4 exercises for the core muscles 4 exercises for the core muscles

June 5, 2024


A strong core can also help you avoid injury. The muscles that make up your core work together to keep your body upright and stable whether you’re walking, running, or sitting at your desk.

Core exercises are an important part of any well-rounded fitness regime, but aside from the occasional sit-up, very few people pay enough attention to strengthening this important area of ​​the body.

“Six pack abs” get a lot of attention, but your core is actually made up of your abdominal, pelvic, lower back and hip muscles. When you strengthen your core, not only will those all-important muscles look and feel tighter, but your balance and stability will also improve.

A strong core can also help you avoid injury. The muscles that make up your core work together to keep your body upright and stable whether you’re walking, running, or sitting at your desk. And if your core is strong, you’re less likely to suffer from joint pain or strain, and your posture will be better, which can help prevent lower back pain.

Too much exercise from the start will tire you out.  Image: Shutterstock
Exercising too much from the start will make you tired. Image: Shutterstock

Do these exercises to tighten your core

Side twist plank

Stand in a side plank position on your left forearm, with your feet together or apart.

Place your right hand behind your head and keep it while trying to bring your elbow towards the floor.

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Make sure to tighten your side muscles during this movement.

The side muscles run from the side of your waist and abdomen and connect the ribs to the pelvis.

Return to the starting position.

This can be repeated many times.

2 Double leg circle

Lie down with your legs straight, arms out to the sides, palms down. Activate the core and inhale as you lift the legs toward the ceiling.

Press your lower back into the floor while moving your legs to the right. Extend the legs as far as possible to the right without lifting the upper body from the floor.

Continue making a circle with the legs, lowering the legs as close to the floor as possible while maintaining control.

From there move the legs to the left and back to the center, thus completing the circle.

Keep the hips firmly on the floor the entire time. Complete one set and then change direction so that the legs rotate to the left.

A balanced exercise routine
To tighten the core, you can also do some waist exercises. Image: Shutterstock

3 Sprinter Crunch

Lie face up with your legs straight.

Activate the core, inhale, and lift the torso off the floor while bending the right knee and bringing the left elbow toward the body, twisting slightly toward the midline.

Inhale and lower the left leg and torso together.

Exhaling, lift the torso off the floor by bending the left knee and bringing the right elbow towards the body, turning it slightly towards the midline of the body. Keep alternating and repeating.

Russian twist for ab
When it comes to good ab exercises, know that you don’t have to do anything complicated. Image-Adobe Stock

4 Russian twist

Sit with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight.

Hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands.

Twist your torso to the right, bring the weight to your right, then twist to the left.

Also Read- If the problem of puffiness under the eyes starts increasing due to incomplete sleep, you will get relief with the help of these yogasanas.


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